Sunday, September 26, 2004

today's morning was hard, too much BMX from yesterday and my muscles are still painfull... the afternoon was better, we went ; Russell,Coco and me; to coco's appartement close to tien'anmen to move back coco's trees . Cause Russell (her boyfriend) is moving to singapore ( the trees were in Russell 's apt). after that we had a walk to the square where a lot flowers were displayed, and also many kites as usual. As usual, but it's always nice to see kites in the sky.
after we took a taxi to hohai lake, it's a very nice place where you can seat in front of the water, it remind me some place in chang mai (thailand). here we had a meeting with Ken, who will take the position of russell at the university.
Russ take us to the 22film bar, a bar who project underground (!) movies. the screen was off, but the place is cool, it's place where i should bring my guests.
on the way russ explain me storys about some castle or temple around there, one was the place where the generals went after a glorious battle, and another was the one where the generals went after a lost battle, at this place they execute them...
we also met a black cat who smells good perfume.

on the way i slept

russell in the car, it might be a ginko biloba

typical beijing neighborhood


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